How do I terminate or modify a conservatorship?

A conservator may be discharged or have conservatorship duties modified when the Court determines by a preponderance of the evidence that the respondent is no longer disabled or that it is in the respondent’s best interest to do so. The Court may also remove or modify a conservator on grounds the conservator has not performed as required by law or does not act in the respondent’s best interests.

What is a guardian ad litem?

A guardian ad litem (“GAL”) is a person the court may appoint to impartially investigate the facts of the case and make a report and recommendation to the Court on whether a fiduciary should be appointed and whether the proposed fiduciary is the appropriate person to serve. Unlike the AAL, the GAL does not defend against the requested relief on behalf of the respondent. The guardian ad litem serves as an agent of the court, and is not an advocate for the respondent or any other party.

What is an attorney ad litem?

An attorney ad litem (“AAL”) is an independent attorney the court may appoint to advocate on behalf of the person with the disability. The court shall appoint an attorney ad litem to represent the respondent on the respondent’s request, upon the recommendation of the guardian ad litem or if it appears to the court to be necessary to protect the rights or interests of the respondent. The attorney ad litem shall be an advocate for the respondent in resisting the requested relief.

In conservatorship proceedings, who protects the rights of the person with the disability?

If the conservatorship is already established the conservator is the one who protects the rights of the respondent. If the conservatorship is being challenged by the individual with a disability, an attorney ad litem (“AAL”) will be appointed to represent the person with a disability upon their request, recommendation of the guardian ad litem or if it appears to the Court to be necessary to protect the rights of the person with a disability.

Is an examination by a doctor required?

Yes. In order to establish a conservatorship, you must prove that an individual is disabled by a clear and convincing legal standard, which is usually accomplished through a sworn statement by a physician, psychologist, or senior psychological examiner.

Where do I file for a conservatorship?

A conservatorship must be filed in the county where the individual with a disability resides. In Davidson County you can file a petition in the Probate Court Clerk’s Office located on the third floor of the Historic Courthouse in downtown Nashville. In other counties, you can file a petition in any probate court or other court of appropriate jurisdiction in the county of residence of the alleged person with the disability. If filing outside Davidson County, check with the court clerk in the county where you intend to file to confirm which court hears conservatorships. You are strongly advised to hire an attorney to assist you with this process.

Who may file for a conservatorship?

Any person may file a petition for appointment of a conservator if he or she has knowledge of circumstances necessitating a conservatorship. The persons having priority to be conservator, subject always to the Court’s discretion, are: (1) the person(s) designated in writing by the person with the disability designated in writing; (2) the person with the disability’s spouse; (3) any child of the person with the disability; (4) closest relatives of the person with the disability; and (5) other persons.

What is a fiduciary?

A fiduciary is a person who has been legally granted rights and powers to be exercised for the benefit of another person. For example, a personal representative of an estate is a fiduciary; a conservator of a person with a disability is a fiduciary; a guardian of a minor child is a fiduciary; and a trustee of a trust is a fiduciary.